Special Form Certificates

The serial number for each source has a two- or three-digit prefix that is associated with a special form certificate (as shown in the table below). For example, a source with serial number 75-2345 (prefix 75) is associated with special form certificate USA/0614/S-96.

The special form certificates are available in Adobe Acrobat 3.0 format.

Some of the values in the Source Serial Number Prefix column flagged with an asterisk (*) may no longer be considered special form materials. Visit the Special Gauge Shipping page for more information.

Source Serial Number Prefix Nuclide Activity mCi Special Form Certificate Expiration Date View
CC* Cs-137 8 USA/0673/S-96
Revision 4
(replaces GB/140/S)
8/31/2023 view
CA* Am-241 40 USA/0632/S-96
Revision 10
(replaces GB/7/S)
6/30/2027 view
CAA* Am-241 40 USA/0632/S-96
Revision 10
(replaces GB/7/S)
6/30/2027 view
40* Cs-137 8 USA/0673/S-96
Revision 4
(replaces GB/140/S)
8/31/2023 view
45* Am-241 10 USA/0659/S-96
Revision 5
04/30/2023 view
46 Am-241 40 USA/0263/S-96
Revision 7
11/30/2026 view
47* Am-241 40 USA/0632/S-96
Revision 10
(replaces GB/7/S)
6/30/2027 view
50 Cs-137 8 USA/0673/S-96
Revision 4
(replaces GB/140/S)
8/31/2023 view
52 Cs-137 5 USA/0767/S-96
Revision 2
 8/31/2023 view
54 Am-241 100 USA/0043/S-96
Revision 15
11/30/2026 view
55* Am-241 100 USA/0620/S-96
Revision 5
(replaces GB/149/S)
6/30/2027 view
57 Am-241 10 USA/0632/S-96
Revision 10
(replaces GB/7/S)
6/30/2027 view
74 Cf-252 0.1 USA/0356/S-96
Revision 14
06/30/2024 view
75* Cs-137 8 USA/0614/S-96
Revision 5
(replaces GB/0353/S)
01/31/2027 view
76 Cf-252 0.06 USA/0356/S-96
Revision 14
06/30/2024 view
77 Cs-137 8 USA/0356/S-96
Revision 14
06/30/2024 view
78 Am-241 40 CZ/1009/S-96
Revision 2
11/30/2023 view
82 Co-60 0.06 USA/0502/S-96
Revision 12
(replaces GB/193/S)
3/31/2023 view
98 Am-241 10 USA/0733/S-96
Revision 3
(replaces GB/145/S-96)
08/29/2025 view
470 Am-241 40 USA/0462/S-96
Revision 9
08/31/2026 view
550 Am-241 40 USA/0462/S-96
Revision 9
08/31/2026 view
570 Am-241 10 CZ/1009/S-96
Revision 2
11/30/2023 view
750 Cs-137 8 USA/0614/S-96
Revision 5
(replaces GB/0353/S)
01/31/2027 view
751 Cs-137 8 USA/0614/S-96
Revision 5
(replaces GB/0353/S)
01/31/2027 view
752 Cs-137 8 USA/0614/S-96
Revision 5
(replaces GB/0353/S)
01/31/2027 view


780 Am-241 40 CZ/1009/S-96
Revision 2
11/30/2023 view
837 Cs-137 0.09 USA/0517/S-96
Revision 5
12/31/25 view

* Visit the Special Gauge Shipping page for more information.